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  • Vote by mail image

    Early Voting by Mail

    Many Texans vote early. Texas enables residents to vote in the days and weeks before an election to make the voting process more convenient and accessible. There are two ways to vote early: by showing up in person during the prescribed early voting period or by voting by mail.

    To vote early in person - Early voting in person will begin the 12th day before Election Day (if that’s a weekend, early voting starts on Monday) and ends the 4th day before Election Day.  Early voting is held in the Mills County Community Center.  All other voting rules and procedures apply – e.g., eligibility, identification.

    You may vote early by mail if:

    • You are 65 years of age or older on Election Day.
    • You will be away from your county on Election Day and during early voting.
    • Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day.
    • You are sick or disabled (as defined in Texas Election Code 82.002(a) or
    • You are confined in jail, but eligible to vote.

    You can get a formal application for a ballot by mail from our office, the Secretary of State’s Office or Download an application for a ballot by mail here.  TRACK YOUR MAIL BALLOT HERE

    We can accept an application in person directly from the individual voter only before early voting begins.  You may also send in your application for a ballot by mail by regular mail, or by common or contract carrier.


    Vote Ready Ballot by Mail Informationa Pamphlets

    English:  https://www.votetexas.gov/resources/pamphlets.html

    Spanish: https://www.votetexas.gov/es/recursos/folletos.html

    Voting as a college student? - Have questions, click here! 
    Votar como estudiante universitario? Tiene preguntas, haga clic aqui ! 

Application for Federal Postcard Application (FPCA) Click here: VoteTexas.gov » Military & Overseas Voters / Espanol - Solicitud de Solicitud de Postal Federal (FPCA) Haga clic aqui:  VoteTexas.gov » Military & Overseas Voters

What and where is the FPCA?
Here are two resources for obtaining an automated FPCA form:
1. Federal Voting Assistance Program with the U.S. Department of Defense -  FVAP.gov / Espanol Programa federal de asistencia para el voto con el U.S. Departamento de Defensa - FVAP.gov
(Al ingresar al sitio web, en la esquina superior derecha, haga clic en traducir y elija el idioma que prefiera.)

2. Actual FPCA form - Election Forms and Materials (fvap.gov) / Espanol Formulario FPCA real - Formularios y materiales electorales (fvap.gov)
(Al ingresar al sitio web, en la esquina superior derecha, haga clic en traducir y elija el idioma que prefiera.)

Disability Logo

Disability Rights Texas is designated by the Help America Vote Act to ensure accessible voting in Texas. / Espanol - Disability Rights Texas esta designado por la Ley Help America Vote para garantizar una votacion accesible en Texas.

Problems voting or registering to vote? Questions about voters with disabilities? Call the Disability Rights Texas Hotline at 1-888-796-VOTE (8683) or email vote@DRTX.org  / Espanol - Problemas para votar o registrarse para votar? Preguntas sobre los votantes con discapacidades? Llame a la linea directa de Disability Rights Texas al 1-888-796-VOTE (8683) o envie un correo electronico a vote@DRTX.org

Visit website for Disability Rights Texas here - DisabilityRightsTexas.org

  • Candidates / Officeholders                                Date                                                        View Report 

    Mills County Sheriff

         Fincher, John                                                 02/26/2024                                                     PDF


         Jones, James                                                 02/26/2024                                                     PDF


        Purcell, James                                                02/26/2024                                                     PDF


        Garza, Daniel                                                 02/26/2024                                                      PDF


        Doyer, Randolph                                            02/26/2024                                                     PDF

       Mills County - County Commissioner Precinct 1 


       Sullivan, Craig                                                10/25/2024                                                        PDF


    Mills County - County Commissioner Precinct 4

      Williams, Jason                                              01/26/2024                                                      PDF



    Mills County - County Attorney


    Malone, William (Bill)                                       01/17/2024                                                        PDF



    Mills County - Justice of the Peace


    Avants, Kimberly (Kim)                                    01/13/2025                                                        PDF


    Mills County - Treasurer


    Campbell, Summer                                        01/16/2024                                                         PDF


    Mills County - County & District Clerk 


    Scott, Sonya                                                  01/17/2024                                                          PDF


    Mills County - Tax Assessor / Collector


    King, Lori                                                       01/19/2024                                                          PDF

    For more information, please visit.  Candidate Information (texas-election.com)



Resources for County Election Officials 

League website reports and ratings - Texas County Election Website Review Report - The League of Women Voters of Texas (lwvtexas.org)

Texas Association of Counties - TAC - Home (county.org)

Texas SOS Advisories - Elections Division Advisories (state.tx.us)

Civic Design Guidelines - Center for Civic Design